Wednesday, April 9, 2008


I have written another poem that is about friendship. Well, actually, I wrote three poems today in a fifteen minute period. I was in the mood to write poems today. I have decided to post a poem today, tomorrow, and on Friday because I have absolutely nothing else to post:) Anyway, here is the poem about friendship. I really hope you guys like this one. I worked really hard on it. Really? No, it was easy to write. Well, before I start babbling and carrying on, here it is:


Everyone needs a true friend,
They will stick with you until the end,
They are a shoulder to cry on,
They will stick with you till dawn,

They will always be there,
They do not rudely compare,
They make you smile through tears,
They know your deepest fears,

A true friend is always honest,
They always give you their best,
They will always be near your heart,
And their friendship will never part.

Okay, so how was that poem? I have two more coming at you guys in the next couple of days. I was thinking about a really good friend if mine as I was writing the poem listed above. Now, as usual, I have a lesson to derive from this. Friends really should be there for you through thick and thin. A friend cannot be there for you 24/7, but I have a Friend who is there for me all the time. Yes, you all know who He is:) I have a Bible verse about friendship.

Ecclesiastes 4:12

A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.

That is one of my most favorite verses in the BIble out of my list of about 100 favorite verses. Please tell me what you think of the poem in a comment. That's all for now. Thanks for reading and please drop by a comment if you have time!

God bless you!

Sapphira Adi


Ian said...

That describes friendship perfectly ... the verse, and the poem. *sighs* I'm not sure I've ever had a friend like that...Maybe I do/have and don't know it.

You guys are good friends, but...It's kinda different over the internet...maybe I'll meet you all someday.


Araken said...

Awesome, Sapphira! I think you have described true friendship to a T!

Ian- you can cry on my shoulder! Just try not to short out my keyboard!

Anonymous said...

As always, inspirational, incredible, and awesome! You are SOOO good at poetry, Sapphira! Keep it up! I can't wait to read more!

I hope we all meet someday! Someday while we're all still alive and on earth, i mean. I know I'll see you all in heaven though! Can't wait!

Camden said...

A true friend... Well, just reading your poem tells it! It was great, and I look forward to the other poems to come!


Shelby Marie said...

Beautiful! Great description of friendship...I hope to meet you all someday as well!

Zoe said...

That was really good. I love that verse too!
I hope we can all meet one day too. And if not here on Earth, we will one day in Heaven.