Saturday, May 24, 2008

New Members!

I found out we have two new members! I would like everyone to welcome Carolyn ad Kale to the YCF! We're getting sooo many new members it's hard to keep track of, but so worth it! I will fix Kale's link and add Carolyn's link after this post. I've been making post frequently over the past couple of days because I have soooo much to talk about! I also wanted to make a sad announcement for the YCF. One of our members, Dcf, is leaving the YCF because he has decided to quit blogging because he has found out who he is and wants to focus on God and his music. I understand what he wants to do, but we'll all miss him!

Once again, if anyone at all would like to join the YCF, then feel free to ask me or anyone else in our group. That raises the number of members up to 21 members! Funny thing is, for a month or so we really didn't have very many members joining, yet all of a sudden, we've had people join left and right. That's so great! By the way, for people reading this that don't know what the YCF is then it stands for Young Christian Force. It is basically a group of Christians that try to spread Jesus over the Internet. We also support each other, too.

Well, I guess this is basically all I have to talk about now at this point. Once again, welcome Kale and Carolyn to the YCF! Glad to have you aboard! By the way, does anyone have any suggestions of what I can post about in the future? Also, for girls, if you want to check out an awesome blog just for girls, then look on my link list on the sidebar and click Girls For God. It's an awesome blog! Check it out!

God bless you!

Sapphira Adi


Araken said...

Welcome, y'all!

Edge said...

Wow - thanks for linking everyone on your blog! It makes my web-surfing easier :-)

Ian said...

Wow....lotsa new members! So much happens when you miss two days...

Say, I don't think dcf said he was quitting blogging...just won't be on for a (long) while...


Danielle Diez - Maiden of Emmanuel said...

which ones are the links for carolyn and kale???

Paris said...

Go YCF! Is dcf still blogging or what? I've heard (read!) both.

Anonymous said...

Congrats, Carolyn and Kayle!
