Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Issue. :O

Maybe you've heard of this. Maybe you haven't. But I believe everyone needs to be informed of something that is becoming even more common. My best friend used to struggle with it and another friend of mine is still and so did I, but only for a little while. It's calle cutting. Cutting is taking a sharp object like a knife, razor, broken glass etc and cutting yourself until you bleed on your wrist, stomach, legs...places easily hidden. It's most common on the wrist though.

A lot of people will ask why someone would want to hurt themselves on purpose. Well there are a few reasons. For some if you are in so much emotional pain, then the physical pain takes away the emotional pain momentarily. Like a quick fix. Others do it because they may be totally depressed and basically feel dead inside and it's like the physical pain reminds them they're still here. It may be hard to understand but life is confusing.

But cutting can be addictive. Like drugs or alcohol. Anyway, this is really scary to think about how I would hurt myself on purpose. It's confusing now but it seemed perfectly normal when I did it. If you know someone who does it, then please let them know you care about them. It does make a difference.

Anyway, have you ever heard of cutting? Or do you know someone who did it? Or maybe you've done it yourself? I'm not sure. I just thought everyone should be aware.



Sarah said...

I've heard of it, but i dont know anyone (that i know of) that's done it, and I've never done it. But thanks for the post. I'll try to remember to pray for people that do that :)

Danielle Diez - Maiden of Emmanuel said...

I have a friend who used to-- and was about to start doing it again (because he lost his "girlfriend"). It scared me so much. I told him never to try it, and that God loves him. But most important, since it's something addictive, it's idolotry.
I've been thinking about doing a post on this lately. When I do, I'll make sure to link your post to mine (and then show my friend :P). Thanks!


Monika said...

People who do this need help, not a prayer. It has nothing to do with God. This is a mental problem and should be treated as such.

Halsey said...

Hello! Just blogspotting. Great blog! I bookmarked it.

Happy blogging! :)

Sapphira Adi said...

I suppose that it may seem like that. Because hurting yourself does seem crazy. But you are wrong when you mention it has nothing to do with God. God heals. And that's exactly what everyone needs. Not just cutters. But everyone.

Thanks for your comments everyone! :)