Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Church Camp

My church camp was so incredibly fun! We had top travel about two and a half hours in the churhc bus. We got there at about 1:00. We ate lunch on the road, too. TWe have thi sthing called the evening service in the open air tabernacle which is basically like church on Sunday. We also had a game time, and my shortness came in handy on one game. We had to pick the lightest person on the team and get wrapped in a sheet and be dragged across the playing field. It was sooooo fun and slightly crazy:)

I will touch more on camp another day. I will post again on Saturday and catch up on comments between today and Friday. I love summer, and other times I don't! I have to go for now because I'm about to go to a swimming party with my friend. Thanks for reading and frop by those awesome comments! ^_^

God bless you!

Sapphira Adi


Paris said...

We played a game like that once at camp-except they had to drag every single person around once.

Summer is great with a capital "G"!

Danielle Diez - Maiden of Emmanuel said...

you sound like you had an AWESOME time at camp:) I usually just do VBS, but I've officially become too old for that, so I need to find something new!! lol

Drop by some comments on my blog:)

Zoe said...

Sounds like you had fun!

Caleb said...

Coolieo!!! Sounds neat!!! I want comments lol!!

Sarah said...

Sounds fun!!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a lot of fun!!


Misha said...

Wrapped in a sheet and dragged across a field? Sounds pretty intense. :)