Monday, March 24, 2008


Why is there an apple pie picture on my blog? Well, some of you may know this and others may not that I left a comment on Ian's blog on his post "Beyond Our Realm Part 2: Time and Eternity." Well, I started talking about pie and I promised Araken I'd make him one. So. . . tada! Yes, I am feeling very random and insane. Enjoy the pie!

Yes, I am also going to pull a life lesson about this. About being random and fun, not apple pie:) I'm going to list some cool verses I found that say things about laughter. There really is a time for everything. God likes it when we laugh and enjoy His creations.

Ecclesisastes 3:4 (NLT)
A time to cry and a time to laugh. A time to grieve and a time to dance.

Proverbs 17:22 (NIV)
A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.

Okay, I am finally done being random and insane. I hope you all enjoy the delicious pie. It took me over two minutes to go to Google Images and find this picture:) So did everyone have a great Easter? Enjoy the pie, everyone!

God bless you!

Sapphira Adi


Anonymous said...

If you sponsor a child, go to my blog. If you don't sponsor a child, go to my blog because you should be sponsoring one : ) (I've also mentioned adoption etc.)

Ian said...

I don't like pie...pumpkin pie and chocolate creme pie is about as far as I'll go. :) I know, everyone calls me a traitor, rebel, etc....I love being different!

My easter isn't really over yet, we're getting some company today, but so far it's been great!

Can you believe those people a few centuries ago? The ones who passed the "blue laws" because they thought it was a sin to enjoy yourself? So depressing...

Sapphira Adi said...

Don't worry, Ian! I really only like chocolate, pumpkin, and apple pie, actually. Well, Ian, you don't live in the U.S. so I can't call you a traitor for not liking the national pie:) We forgive you, Ian:)


Camden said...


1 Corinthians 10:31: Whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.

If you ask my pastor, he would rank pie as one thing perfect for giving glory to God for!


P.S. Yay!!!
P.I.E. YAY!!!

Ian said...

True story from school....From an ADVANCED math class, making it all the more funny! ahem:

Last block of the day

Teacher: one wave equals one pi.


That was so funny...a lot of the people at my school are hilarious, mostly when they get on the teachers' nerves...:)


Zoe said...

Hmm... Is eating junk food giving glory to God? lol!
I don't really like pie a whole lot believe it or not, other that chocolate and apple.
I had never noticed those verses you used before. I love finding new verses, like ones that just jump out at me. I am trying to write a book and I like to put a verse at the beginning of each chapter, so that is fun. Sorry, this was kind of a random comment... lol!

Araken said...

Thanks, I'm hungry now...