Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Book Signing

As most of your reading this probably know, I went to a book signing last Saturday and met Bryan Davis. It was a really fun evening, too! I woke up at six that morning (on a Saturday, too!). Then I travelled over two hours to the town where the book signing was held. I got my books autographed and purchased a copy of "Beyond The Reflection's Edge." When I first walked in the door, I introduced myself with my real name, and the first words he said to me were, "Are you Sapphira?" It was really cool!

Then after I got my books signed, I got a picture with Mr. Davis (which he should be showing on his blog soon!) Later, he asked me if I had blue eyes, and I said yes. Then he said he knows why I chose the name Sapphira. He said Iooked a lot like her. I have blue eyes that people compliment me on a lot, which gets really embarrassing after a while. lol. See, my hair a light blond on the outer layer, but on the inner layer it is dark blond or maybe even brown. Yes, it's natural, too! Anyway, the highlight of the evening was he took a closeup picture of me and said, "If a movie producer ever asks me what Sapphira looks like, I'll show him your picture." It was so awesome!

Okay, well I really don't have much else to say at this point. By the way, if I have not commented on your blog for several days, please know that I apoligize! I have tons of blogs to look at and so little time, too! Okay, I basically have nothing else to say, but that I am about to add a new poll in a few minutes so be sure to check it out! Also, Prince Caspian will be out soon! I can't wait! Thanks for reading and please comment!


Update! You can see my picture on Bryan Davis' blog if you scroll down a little bit! The link is on the sidebar titled "Dragons in out Midst." Check it out!

God bless you!

Sapphira Adi


Ian said...

Rrgg, you have made me very envious about meeting Mr. Davis! I MUST meet him, SOON!

Once I can travel alone....


Ian said...

Wouldn't it be awesome if a movie producer called you and wanted you to play a part in a OoF movie? :)


Ian said...

I just saw your picture! You look...different than I always pictured you....but that will be the same for everyone. Maybe someday I shall post a picture of myself...

I am very, very mad at myself for missing Bryan DAvis' book signing that was IN MY CITY!!! I never even knew it at the time...


Araken said...

I will meet him, one of these days. I saw your picture, and I can see the resemblance btw you and Sapphira.

Don't worry, Ian. We'll get our chance...

Sarah said...

I saw the picture. That must have been so cool to meet him!! Oh, btw, ur pretty! I love your hair!!

Zoe said...

I saw your picture! You look different than I pictured you. Your hair is very pretty!
I have never read any of Bryan Davis's books, but I want to.

Misha said...

That is so cool! I can't wait for Narnia to come out either :) prince caspian looks really good! That's so cool that bryan davis actually talked to you and you met him!!!

Sapphira Adi said...

Ian- That would be so cool!

Araken- I hope you get your chance soon!

Sarah- Thanks for the compliment!

Zoe- Thanks for the other compliment!

Mitzi-I can't wait till Prince Caspian!!!!


Galadriel said...

Cool! I got to go to the Naperville book signing and was like the only person there. Isn't it great to met an author you enjoy lots?