Friday, May 23, 2008


Right now I plan to talk about miracles. Miracles are amazing things Jesus did when He was on Earth. I believe miracles happen every single day. I have one miracle that happened to me several months ago that I wanted to share with you, my wonderful blogging friends. Have you ever had a great miracles that happened to you. Well, right now I'll tell you about a miracle that happened to me.

It was a regular Friday night and my dad, three siblings, and I packed into my dad's Honda Civic because we were heading to my grandmother's house, which was three hours away, to spend the weekend up there. Anyway, we were driving out of the town I live in and proceeded to the highway. Then. all of a sudden a car pulls out in front of my dad. This guy kept on swerving and pulling on his breaks. He was obviously drunk, but this isn't even the worst part. I offered to my dad to call the cops on my cell phone to report a drunk driver, but he insisted he could handle it. My dad had to concentrate on the road and the driver in front of us. Then, all of a sudden, there was a flash of light that zoomed past my dad on the side of the road. Yes, a truck that was going probably 80 in a 50 miles and hour zone went on the side of the road between the paint on the grass zoomed past us. That man was not drunk driver, but a different person going incredibly fast. If he did not turn, he could have smashed into us, and we could have all been killed. My dad didn't see that truck behind us because his attention was focused elsewhere. The drunk guy eventually turned on to a different road, and we continued our trip. God spared out lives when that happened. We all could have been killed or seriously injured.

Yes, that was a true story. I wasn't scared at all because it happened so fast. My dad didn't even have to move his car out of the truck's way. Realization hit me when it was over. The verse Hebrew 13:5 rang through my head the rest of the trip. I thank God whenever I think back to that night. If you have ever had a miracle happen to you, then tell everyone about it in a post or a comment. God is awesome, isn't He? The answer to that question is yes:)

God bless you!

Sapphira Adi


Camden said...

I love hearing about miricles like that. It is a real reminder of God's preservance in our lives, and his reality shock that shows us how fast life can leave us. That's an amazing story, one I can somewhat relate to, being in a situation similar to that. God is Good, All the Time! And all the time... Well, you know the rest.


...God is Good!

Damation said...

God is Great, is He not? He does so many miracles. And one miracle He did in my life, was He made me, and put in a wonderful family. And I think God for that.

KaleCharis said...

I love it when God does things like that. There's been several times when I've been able to see how he protected me. I just wonder how many times he keeps us safe and we never realize it.

Yeah, God is awesome.