Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Circles of Seven

Circles of Seven is the third book in the series Dragons in our Midst by Bryan Davis. Billy and Bonnie use their dragon traits and skills from earlier adventures as they find themselves in a perilous, multi-dimensional world called the Circles of Seven, a domain of great evil. As they navigate through seven perilous worlds, they meet people who all follow a great mistress of evil.

The seventh circle holds a group of prisoners, captives of the evil mistress, Billy must find a way to free them and give them a chance at new life. When a great tragedy happens along the way, Billy has to face a difficult decision, whether to forsake Bonnie to save the prisoners, or find a way to save her. What will Billy choose?

This book was one of the best in the whole series. There was so much adventure and suspense in it, I wished I could read a lot faster! This book will definitely keep you on the edge of your seat! You will love it!

This book really made me think about friendship. Billy and Bonnie were the best of friends, and Billy had to make a very difficult choice. I won't spoil the book for you, so I will merely talk about friendship for a brief time. It is difficult to find a good friend, but once you find one, you need to hang on to them for dear life. You need to push petty arguments aside and enjoy your time together. My best friend in the world means so much to me. Jamie, if you are reading this, I hope you know you mean the world to me. It says in the Bible about friendship in Ecclesiastes 4:9-12:

"Two people can accomplish more than twice as much as one; they get a better return for their labor. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But people who are alone when they fall, they are in real trouble. And on a cold night, two under the same blanket can gain warmth from each other. But how can one be warm alone? A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broke."

To me, friends are a very special thing and I try my hardest to treasure my time with them. Sometimes a friend may be busy when you need someone to talk to. A friend tries their hardest to be there for you, but sometimes they cannot. That is when I rely upon my best Friend. God is my best friend and he will never leave me and will always be there for me. God is my Friend, and yours, too. But you have to let Him be your friend. God longs deeply to be near you and to be your friend, and all you have to do is let Him.

One other thing, who voted on my poll that my blog was not really that interesting? I will not commend you if you post, but I would like to know why so I can make my blog better so people will like it more. Thanks for reading!

God bless you!

Sapphira Adi


Araken said...

Hey Sapphira, I can't wait until you post the next chapters! I like your reviews. At least yours are in order, unlike mine! Say, do you know what Echoes from the Edge is about? It sounds fantabulistic, but I still don't know...

Unknown said...

You can find a synopsis for the first book, Beyond the Reflection's Edge On http://www.echoesfromtheedge.com

:D It is going to be fantabulistic!

Anonymous said...

Bonnie and Billy are sent into the Circles of Seven to rescue prisoners. But in a land of deceit and temptation, whom can they trust? From an abandoned town to an island castle to a deep chasm, this story is a feast for the imagination and emotions. The climatic battle is better than any movie because of the realistic characters whom you can identify with.
This book contains elements from Arthurian legend, Dante's Inferno, and even bits of Star Wars and Lord of the Rings. A great story that can be used to introduce others--I actually read Dante's Inferno because of this book.