Thursday, February 7, 2008

More Poetry

I have come up with a couple new poems that I will enchant your minds with. lol. I wrote a couple of these poems a while ago for a long story I have long abandoned. I decided to post a couple of them to see what people of think of them. The first one is kind of like for a person that has had something terrible happen in their life and they are a bit bitter toward some things. Here is the first one:

Your heart is ice and your prayers are cold,
Jehovah’s brilliant love will behold,
He wants to touch your cheek,
And wipe your tears, so mild and meek,

Your faith and love has altered,
You thought everything was absurd,
But His love is everlasting,
It is not any ordinary thing,

He will never leave you alone,
His love and mercy has become known,
He will never hurt or forsake your heart,
His love for you will never part.

Okay, so what did you guys think of that one? The second one is about the same length and is about how someone used to be really distraught and lost and confused, but when God comes into the picture, a whole new thing begins to enfold. I really like writing poetry, and I hope you guys like them. By the way, you can change the gender in this one to whatever you want to. The person that this poem was written for in the old story was a girl, so I left the gender the way it already is. Okay, here is the second one:

A girl that hid lonely in the darkness,
She would often weep bitterly,
She knew her life was a mess,
The girl wondered about eternity,

She knew she could not keep God at bay,
Life always seemed to give her a fright,
So she cried out to God one day,
And finally saw the light,

Now, she rests in her Creator’s hands,
Jesus came in her heart’s door,
Now together they stand,
And they will forevermore.

Okay, so what did you guys think of them? If you see any lines that might need to be changed let me know. I really don't mind suggestions. I actually encourage them, really. Now there I go sounding like some preacher. lol. Force of habit, I suppose:) I really hoped you guys liked the poetry. Please tell me which one you like the best in a comment. Thanks again for reading and please comment!

God bless you!

Sapphira Adi


Sapphira Adi said...

By the way, guys and gal, the pic says, "How do you foster a love of poetry?" In case, ya'll could not read it.

Araken said...

I absolutely love those poems! Think I'll post some of mine...

Camden said...

Wow! Those were good! I'm not a huge person for writing poetry, but I love to read it! (I have written a few poems, and most were of comety or practical use, A.K.A. birthdays, anniversaries, etc.)
