Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Prayer Request

I have a prayer request of something that has tragicly happened near where I live. There was a tornado reported near where I live and my house missed the tornado by about ten miles. Over thirty people have been reported all across my state to be dead because of a terrible tornado that struck last night. My power was out for about three hours because of harsh winds and lightening.

Please pray earnestly for the people who lost their homes or a loved one in the tragic tornado that hit. I was really scared last night when the tornado was coming. My power was out so we could not watch the news or anything. I have not heard anything from some of my friends who live in the same town of the tornado. Please pray that they are OK. Please also pray for the people who might still be in the rubble. I also pray that no more deaths will be reported. There was an eleven year old girl who died because her house collapsed while she was trying to get out. This girl was only a couple years younger than I am. Though I did not know her, it hurts me deeply because I can only fathom how scared she was. My heart yearns for her because she was only two years younger than her, and because I can picture in my mind how scared and distraught she felt.

Please also pray that the survivors can continue their lives normally as they had seen a terrible tragedy. Sometimes it can shock and traumatize people so much that they feel like their lives can never be the same again. Sorry I have not posted in sooo long. I was taking care of my family because my father, mother, little sister, little brother, and older brother were all sick with stomach virus. Everyone in my family was sick except for me:) I had to do housework, disinfecting, cooking, disinfecting, cleaning, and did I mention disinfecting?

Well, I am about of of things to say for this blog post. I added a new poll in case you guys haven't noticed. Araken has aslo added a new poll on his blog, too. Ian, do you mind if I put a link to your blog on my blog? Araken, Shelby Marie, and Ian, I just wanted you guys to know that I am glad you guys (and gal) are my friends. Please comment and I thank ye for reading!

God bless you!

Sapphira Adi


Camden said...

Ya, that was all over the news where I live. My family wasn't hit by the huge storm system (because of where we live), but I saw the story on the church that lost it's roof and all. I'll definatly be in prayer


P.S. I posted a comment on your 'moving away' post.

Araken said...

Hey Sapphira, I'm glad to hear you're ok! I heard there were 52 fatalities or something like that. It is a terrible tragedy, one which I believe is a sign of the Last Days. Hmmm...better go before I start shouting "the end of the world is nigh!" LOL

Ian said...

Stuff like that makes me really thankful that I live in a place where such disasters are rare. REALLY thankful. And I am very thankful also that you and your family were OK.

About the link, go ahead. By the way, sorry I haven't posted in awhile on my blog, but I just started a new semester at school and have been rather busy...

And I agree with Araken about the Last Days thing. And no, let's not start chanting that unless we wish to be thrown into an insane asylum...But we should definitely stick to God and his Word, even if it isn't actually the end of the world.

My own province is supposed to have a major earthquake sometime, although nobody can calculate exactly when it is supposed to happen....*gulp*

Shelby Marie said...

I heard about the tornados all over the place...scary. I'll be praying.
Like Ian, I do not live in a place where natural disasters occur often, so I don't really know what it's like.
I'm glad you're alright, Sapphira! Is your family feeling better?
Earthquakes, Ian? Those don't happen around where I live either...
I shall pray for you all!
Write On!!!
Shelby Marie