Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Birdcage Story

I am back with yet another email forward to show you all. This is one of the more serious ones. It's a really good allegory on the first part of it. I think every should have a chance to read this awesome message. By the way, you are more than welcome to send this to all of your friends if you'd like to. This forward is called "The Birdcage Story." You will understand the title better after you finish reading it. Here it is:

The Birdcage Story

A man was on the side of the road with a large birdcage. A boy noticed that the cage was full of birds of many kinds.

"Where did you get those birds?" he asked.

"Oh, all over the place," the man replied. "I lure them with crumbs, pretend I'm their friend then when they are close, I net them and shove them into my cage."

"And what are you going to do with them now?" The man grinned, "I'm going to prod them with sticks, and get them really mad so they fight and kill each other. Those that survive, I will kill. None will escape."

The boy looked steadily at the man. What made him do such things? He looked into the cruel, hard eyes. Then he looked at the birds, defenceless, without hope.

"Can buy those birds?" the boy asked.

The man hid a smile, aware that he could be on to a good thing if he played his cards right.

"Well," he said hesitantly, "The cage is pretty expensive, and I spent a lot of time collecting these birds, I'll tell you what I'll do, I'll let you have the lot, birds, cage and all for ten pounds and that jacket you're wearing."

The boy paused, ten pounds was all he had, and the jacket was new and very special, in fact it was his prized possession. Slowly, he took out the ten pounds and handed it over, then even more slowly he took off his jacket, gave it one last look then handed that over too. And then he opened the door and let the birds go free. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The Enemy of the world, Satan, was on the side of life's road with a very large cage. The man coming towards him noticed that it was crammed full of people of every kind, young, old, from every race and nation.

"Where did you get these people?" the man asked.

"Oh, from all over the world," Satan replied. "I lure them with drink, drugs, lust, lies, anger, hate, love of money and all manner of things. I pretend I'm their friend, out to give them a good time, then when I've hooked them, into the cage they go."

"And what are you going to do with them now?" asked the man.

Satan grinned. "I'm going to prod them, provoke them, get them to hate and destroy each other; I'll stir up racial hatred, defiance of law and order; I'll make people bored, lonely, dissatisfied, confused and restless. It's easy. People will always listen to what I offer them and blame God for the outcome!"

"And then what?" the man asked.

"Those who do not destroy themselves, I will destroy. None will escape me." The man stepped forward.

"Can I buy these people from you?" he asked.

Satan snarled, "Yes, but it will cost you your life."

So Jesus Christ, the Son of God, paid for your release, your freedom from Satan's trap, with His own life, on the cross at Calvary. The door is open, and anyone, whom Satan has deceived and caged, can be set free.

That forward above is so ultimately true. A perfect example of what Christ did when He died for us. That story above totally awesome, don't you agree? Jesus was whipped, beaten, scourged, mocked, stripped, and died so we would not have to die for our sins. It reminds me of a poem I posted sometime in March or February called Crucifixion, in case any of you remember that. Okay, this is all I have time for today! Thanks for reading and please comment!

God bless you!

Sapphira Adi


Paris said...

So true. We're all in cage until we let Jesus into our hearts.

~Just*Flinn~ said...

Very neat story. And a very good allegory.

Araken said...

That is an amazing story. Sorry I haven't been around in a while, and this little 'era of silence' may go on for a bit longer. I have had a crazy schedule, and it's still goin on. Just decided to say hey and comment.

Zoe said...

Aaah! Stories like that make me cry. What makes me really sad is that Jesus died for all the people in the world, but so many people don't even accept Him.

Jamin said...

Where do you get all these e-mail forwards?

Shelby Marie said...

Very cool stuff, Sapphira, but I must agree with Jamin in wondering where you get them all!

Misha said...

Wow, that's really cool.

Zoe said...

I was abotu to ask that as well. I usually only get silly forwards that I just delete! lol!

KaleCharis said...

Wow, yeah, I don't usually get good forwards like that. Cool story.

Anonymous said...

great illustration of what Jesus has done for us!
Tragically though, many people aren't aware or don't care about what He's done. It's our job to tell them.