Monday, April 14, 2008

God's Gift

I am about to post the third poem I wrote that I intended to post a couple of days ago, but posted a different one instead. I call it "God's Gift." It is kind of describing God's gift of freedom and love. I hope you all like it. Please let me know what you think of it when you are done reading. It took me about five minutes to write, in case you're wondering. Here it is:

God’s Gift

A heart full of unending pain,
Felt trapped by a heavy chain,
It longed for peace and rest,
And yearned to be blessed,

As a tear trickled down a cheek,
It felt hopeless and terribly weak,
Then it caught a glimpse of hope,
And the many ropes of pain broke,

Jesus renewed a pained heart,
His gentle love will never part,
His hope will always endure,
And He will stay forevermore.

Okay, so how was that one? It's one of my favorite ones that I've written. I wonder how many poems I have written in my whole, entire life;) I have the perfect verse today for the poem. I was looking in my Bible this morning and came across this verse. The verse meant a lot to me in words I cannot describe. It may sound creepy, but this verse is really important to me. Here it is:

Matthew 11: 28-30

Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.

Okay, so do you guys think that verse was totally awesome? God is so great, isn't He? Okay, so how was the poem to you guys? Did it flow? Did it have a spiritual meaning? Well, I hope so. Writing poetry to me is a way to express myself. It describes God how I see Him to me. How would you describe God? I would describe Him as my King, my Friend, and my Savior. Of course, no words could describe how God is. Isn't God good? That's all I have time for today. Thanks for reading and please comment!

God bless you!

Sapphira Adi


Ian said...

'Tis one of my favourites of your poems too. Great job.

Words seem so powerful in poems and stories, yet so weak and insignificant when you think about God...


Camden said...

I just read your "Getting too old" post, and all of them made me laugh! I like this poem, and I think that it does have a good meaning. That passage is also something that is very comforting, even moreso in times of need. Well written!


Araken said...

Rock on, gal! The getting too old post was fantabulous, and so is this poem!

Zoe said...

That's great! It flows really well. And the meaning and the verse go together well.
Very good meaning.

Zoe said...

Oh, did I tell you about the rom-12-2 blog?
I started it not too long ago in an attempt to do something kind of like YCF, but no one hardly ever posts on it.
The address it if you want to check it out.

Jamin said...

I wish I could write poetry like that. I'll admit most the time I phase out whenever someone shares a poem. This one kept my attention. It was to the point, and had images I can see, feel, and connect with this emotionally.

I believe you could probably get this poem published on Real Teen Faith if you submitted it. Their website is

Jamin said...

You know what I said about Real Teen Faith? They've published a devotional I wrote!

It wasn't hard to get in.