Friday, April 11, 2008

He Will Be There

Okay, so I am about to post another poem. This is actually a poem I wrote yesterday. I wrote two yesterday and three the previous day. I thought this was better than the third one I wrote on Wednesday, so I will post this one. I will post both of the other poems over the weekend. I call this poem "He Will Be There." Please let me know what you think of it. I hope you all like it. Here it is:

He Will Be There

When you feel lost and weak,
And everything seems bleak,
There is Someone who cares,
And who hears your prayers,

He knows your terrible pain,
And feels your bondage chain,
Jesus sees your bitter tears,
And knows your greatest fears,

He hugs you tightly very close,
As His gentle, pure love flows,
He will always genuinely care,
For Jesus will always be there.

Okay, so what did you all think of that one? I am actually a little proud of it myself, but not really snooty and stuff:) I will be posting poetry for the next couple of days, and then I promise I'll stop for a while because I must be driving you all crazy with this continuous poetry. Anyway, I have a verse that pertains to the poem above. Here it is:

Hebrews 13:5

"Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have,because God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you."

That was the poem and the verse for today. So what did you all think of the poem. I thought the verse was a lot like the poem, so I posted it. It is my awesome friends in the YCF that inspires me to keep on writing poetry because I know that you all have my back. So thanks, my friends. That's all for now! Thanks for taking the time to read this and please drop by a comment if you can!

God bless you!

Sapphira Adi


Zoe said...

Wow, that is really good as well.
And it really flows well too.
Also, really good words!

Misha said...

Wow, that was such a good poem!!! I think that's awesome how your poems are inspired by Bible verses that most people would look at it and think,"Oh, that's a good verse." And forget about it 5 seconds later! Do you mind if I add a link to you on my blog?

Misha said...

I was just reading some of your other poems, and I noticed the one entitled "God" was really cool too!

Have you ever taken a poetry class or anything like that? Just curious, cause your so super good at poetry!

Ian said...

I think that's the best poem you've ever posted...keep on writing!


Araken said...

Geez, your poems just keep getting better and better and better!

Say, who's excited that Bryan Davis's new book is coming out soon?

Kara Akins said...

Don't apologize for writing poetry. Write as much as you can b/c you never know when you're going to have a writing dry spell. And yes, you can add me to your link. One day I am going to add more links to my blog and I want to add yours. I just don't know how to add links so I am going to wait for my sweet hubby to do day.