Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Love of God

I wrote this poem that I called "The Love of God" about a year ago for one of my friends who was going through a really tough time in her life. He parents were getting a divorce. She told me her parents would keep her up at night arguing and bickering back and forth. She felt really confused and lost then so I wrote her this poem. She said it was a really great reminder of how much God loved her. I decided to post it today to see what you guys and girls thought of it.

The Love of God

Your heart so tender, dear and mild,
You have the innocence of a little child,
Your gentle spirit will guide the lost,
Your decision could be of great cost,

Your heart feels torn up, broken and betrayed,
Your hurt and pain is not feigned,
For comfort look above to the Savior,
Your faith will never be a blur,

He will never leave you or forsake you,
You will never be alone,
He loves everything about you,
He wants you to talk to Him and love him, too!

So what did you all think of that poem? God sort of gave me the words to write because I wanted to make this poem really good for my friend. By the way, my friend's parents did get separated. but things are going much better for her. Also, in case you did not know it yet, Zoe has joined the YCF! Welcome, Zoe! Glad to have you aboard! That's all for now. Thanks for reading and please drop by a comment!

God bless you!

Sapphira Adi


Camden said...

Hey!!! Sorry I haven't commented for a long time! I read your poem below and this one and I really like them! I wrote a non-ryming poem yesterday and everybody in my family says they like it... maybe I should post it... I heard about this one man who wanted to write a poem describing God, so he wrote down all of these adjectives and a long poem. After reading it again, he really decided that you can't describe God in words. So what did he do? He took out all the words, leaving only commas and periods on the paper!


Araken said...

That's so good!

Shelby Marie said...

Elliot...cool story about the poem describing God!
Sapphira...once again, you are very talented...well done!
As for your friend whose parents separated...mine divorced about two years ago...I know how she feels.

~Just*Flinn~ said...

Very good poem! And the written word is sometimes the best cure for a broken heart. My grandfather has been down lately about my grandmother's passing and his poor health, and so I wrote to him the passage in Isaiah that talks about, "mounting up on wings like eagles", "run and not be weary", and "walk and will not faint". Now, almost everytime he sees or talks to me, he thanks me for it.

Anonymous said...

Sapphira that was amazing! You have such a gift! And what better way to use that gift than to serve the Lord by encouraging your friend?
That was inspirational! Keep it up!

That's an interesting story, Elliot. I agree, that God can't REALLY be summed up in puny human words. that's what makes Him so great!


Zoe said...

Hey, sorry I haven't commented or posted lately. I have been busy.
That is an awesome poem. It is so neat when the Lord can use us to touch and encourage others.
You definitely have a God-given talent for writing poems.
And, I was just curious, what denomination are you?
I am Assembly of God.